Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winter Dance Pt 2

Sorry for the delay. Dance went well. Afterparty went well. I will say however that when I picked him up from the dance to drive him to the afterparty he had a smell about him. Not boy stink. Not Malibu rum and diet rite. It was minty. Spearmint and Peppermint. I think he chewed every stick of gum he could find and drank a bottle of mouth wash.
AARP aka Wilson aka Minty Fresh. He is destined to be the next Q-Tip or Mike D
It was planned as and supposed to be his first kiss. Spoiler alert, it didn't happen. Neither he nor she ate all night so there breath wouldn't stink. Alas a crowded gymnasium wasn't as romantic as a row boat with a hermit crab directing a symphonic chorus of frogs and a lovable squawking seagull. They were both okay with it from what I can tell but how cute is that? When I picked him up from the afterparty, you could tell he was bummed. Apparently his friends were all egging him on and watching from the sidelines. Whats life without friends huh? So as a consolation, in the car he started emptying his pockets. He hadn't eaten all night but he has been paying attention to my example and had filled his pockets to the brim with snacks for later. We ate cookies and chatted on the way home. I love AARP.

I have no idea what this show is. Thank you Google image search.
But I think she is my spirit animal
Yesterday he turned teenager. There was cake and tacos. Normal so far. Then he opened his present. He got a phone. I tried to explain to him that it would be a bigger adjustment for his mother and I than him. I think I was just trying to make myself feel better. He had it for about 30 seconds before the notifications started coming in. Air raid sirens signaling the english that the germans were crossing the english channel couldn't compete for the veracity and speed that he was getting messages. It really feels WWII-ish. I feel like the Americans reluctantly wading into war. I am not and would never compare my son getting a phone to Pearl Harbor. I am merely saying that I am entering a struggle that will last the next four to five years.
"Why are we so popular? (and athletic?)"

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