Monday, December 10, 2012

oh the holidays

It's not cold thus according to the Russian supermodel it is more difficult to get in the Christmas spirit. I have tried lots of things. Decorate. Nope. Listen to Loads of Christmas Music. Nope. Go look at all the pretty lights... Nope. We went last night to the zoo where my sister works and did all sorts of festive things. There were lights. It was most of the Family. Brother in Law still has his schedule and missed this activity. It must kill him and I hate it for him. Anyway, I rode the train with the family to go look at lights. Stay-Puft in my arms cried because she was scared before we started. She then got the idea and was happy but clung to me. I don't mean to be all sappy but she clung to me. Up till this point she smiled and laughed at everyone. She probably would have clung to anyone but she didn't. She clung to me! This was her call from the governor at 11:59. She can stick around. See the night before there is some debate as to whether or not (NOT is the answer) she said Momma. So we all agree she was holding onto me for support and so she is mine. Thank you Russian Supermodel for birthing this up-till-now parasite, I like her. But this is not Holiday Spirit. What am I doing wrong?

We have not gone and shopped for presents for anyone yet really. I will say though shopping in these crowds does not put me in the Holiday Spirit. They make me cling to plush children's toys that play music and rock back and forth and basically look like Rainman without all the special abilities. I am hoping that wrapping some presents and putting them under the tree will help. We will see. What do you guys do? Are you all cheery? Switch Pandora to Holiday Music? Bad Sweaters? Am I just too early?


  1. You are clearly missing tree-decorating with your friendly resident 'Stine, and should come up to Illinois for a visit (because that is totally simple with three weesters in tow, right?)! Cold: We have it. The temperature has crept up to 29 as of this afternoon. The high for the week is 48.

    Seriously, though, I've found it hard to embrace the Christmas spirit this year, too. I think it's a matter two things (for both of us): #1, displacement - still not used to Christmas outside Oxford; and #2, life. Yes, life. I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm no longer a grad student and can't take off for a day to Christmas shop because I don't feel like working. You've had a little longer than me to embrace this... but you've also had demonstrably more changes to embrace (see above, i.e., Stay-Puft).

    I finally hit Christmassiness this past weekend. I spent two days in the kitchen baking and canning holiday gifts with the extended Lord of the Rings playing on the TV and a cozy fire in the fireplace. I heartily endorse all of these things, guaranteed to keep the Scrooge away!

    (And now you know where my livejournal is. Use this knowledge only for good!)

  2. I dearly miss the "Deck My Halls" parties from Oxford. I will have to see if I have any of the old invitations on my other machine. sigh... those were good times other than the actual school part of grad school.
