Friday, August 31, 2012

Pinterest is for Girls

The Russian Supermodel talked me into using Pinterest for all our required link sharing for furniture, food ideas, and future projects to be done around the house. At first glance and within the first week or two of using it my general conclusion and imagined marketing campaign for them was "a site where women post decadent food, followed by diets to help them lose the weight they gained by eating said food, and finally the arts and crafts projects they actually do rather than dieting." (Also, there is a larger than expected amount of the currently en vogue Boudoir Photos and just plain porn Link to Article on history and trends of said photos.) The site is self serving in that rather than finding your own links to up load and maintain, it is an Appalachian inbred banjo player of post and repost, repost, repost. There are few people who upload new links and ideas. I play my banjo as loud as the rest of the pinner's on the site and steal links and follow strangers who do the hard work for me.

After the honeymoon was over, I realize that first of all I am a stylish mother f*$&@#@ (read as what was previously described as being metro-sexual). Secondly, There is some value to it. The supermodel and I are planning a group of baseball style lockers at the back door for the offspring to deposit their daily detritus and Pinterest is a great way to put all the variations found on the internets in one place and view them side by side. This however is a small bit of what I do. Look at the picture above for a moment. Designer suit, designer furniture, and an art deco car. This is the place where dreams are fleshed out. We have designer taste on a thrift store budget. We make it work.

I use Pinterest to kill time, find common ground with my supermodel, and to find hearty recipes. They can keep their diets. The amount of high-cal food, cars, and naked women seems to increase as manly men are finding out Pinterest isn't just for girls.

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