Monday, March 31, 2014

the new normal*

baby here.

So a week ago yesterday the latest progeny arrived. It has been a busy week in a sense. Lots of visitors and food dropped by. It has really been great realizing just how many people care about my wife and love holding babies (not necessarily in that order). The boys were in MS with their dad for the week so that worked out great. It was my spring break so no canceled classes.
My new son....
Boys came home yesterday in the midst of lunch with MiMi and 2pop and a remodel of the tree house. We have demoed our dilapidated deck and am re-purposing it into a playhouse/fort under the boys treehouse. It looks like a hog pen according to my mother. I see it as more of a Stay-Puft pen. Speaking of which....

Stay-Puft without naps = Velociraptor
 So, that happened. She can open doors. This happened the same weekend that she refused to nap and realized that she knew how to crawl out of the crib. Excellent timing. I first learned that she could open doors when she chose to open the back door and run away as though she were being chased while laughing manically.

Needless to say that by Sunday, the lack of sleep and excitement that comes with learning new things had her worn out. She fell. She fell a lot. At one point while trying to escape again she ate it pretty well on the street and now is scrapped up on her nose and lip. She didn't cry much. Tough this one. Strong willed is what 2pop called it. Trouble I say.

I sat at the table this morning and looked at the new normal. Its not bad at all.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Well that was quick

So I now have a new baby....

Live blogged on the supermodels Facebook all day as blogger can be shameful. We are all resting now after a bit of a day. Not only is my smoking hot wife a supermodel, she is also the best baby incubator and evacuator I know. I lie in awe as she and lil reezy nap

See I shouldn't have said anything

At hospital. Only 1.5 cm but supermodel is unhappy. Mostly with her cervix. 2pop and Mimi already have the fox so, no big deal. Just got into a room. I feel bad for these folks if they have to send us home. That's a LOT of paper work for "maybe next time."

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Home Birth? No thank you.

Just read up on what it would entail to catch the baby. Now mind you I was never a star athlete. My coordination has been likened to a giraffe on roller skates. I am not the guy you pick to play catcher on your code church league softball team. You get my point. Plus the sheer number of towels I would need. Should I go do laundry? Blood? Gore? Afterbirth? No problem. Clean towels and hand eye coordination have me worried.

Baby Dinosaur

Let's be honest, I have zero knowledge about "birthin' no babies" the Russian supermodel is 2.5 weeks out from due date but has me timing contractions and just got me up to pack a bag. It is well past our bedtime. If you know me this is a big deal.

She is now trying to sleep. What the what?! I have zero chance of falling asleep. I am anxious and panicky. This is sorcery.

No pictures due to mobile posting. Also, I am too busy getting limbered up for fetching hot water and towels.