Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of the year

Holidays Over. Time to get back to whatever our normal is. Strange that there is so much build up and then my family drags it out for a week or two, which I really do enjoy. Then it is over and I am very much excited about being done with it. I take down decorations like pulling a band-aid. If our living room looked like St. Nick vomited all over it previously then, it looks empty and sad now. The two extremes I suppose.

Its almost time!
Also, who knew that this next baby, AKA The Hound, is almost here. Also, that gummy bear is a dude! Not news to most of you but What the What!? We are totally not ready and won't be and will never be as no one ever is but What the What?!

So, back at work. Boys will be back to school in a week and Stay-Puft will go to her new big girl classroom on the 2nd. Not the "Go Go Big Girl What Chu Gon Do" kind of big girl just older and sassier. I will spend the next few months preparing a crate for The Hound and trying to stay ahead of the progeny but lord knows I will be ready for the holidays next year.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fake Christmas

Merry Christmas (eve eve as ours is on the 27th):
Oh stop it some more.
This is the second year in a row that the boys have not been here on Christmas morning due to a scheduling change (so that they could be with us on my families every-other year thanksgiving schedule). It makes this morning terribly difficult. Christmas without them every other year is only going to get more difficult as the wee fat one and her prehistorically named unborn kin begin to understand the jolly fat one.

To make this more difficult for this year, there has been a last minute "scheduling issue." This means that even our fake christmas eve will be screwy because the boys won't be able see stay puft before she goes to bed. If there is anyone reading who had to deal with blended/hybrid family holidays I would love to hear ideas.

Absence of the Blog:
Their father is the reason I stopped writing this blog. He found it, read it and sent me an email berating me and saying purposefully hurtful things about my role in the boy's lives. I got really upset and quit writing for a while but in a classic BigCat turn of phrase.... You know what? I will write whatever I damn please and he can....enjoy it. But I digress...

It was brought to my attention that it will be super fun to show this blog to the boys when they are older so that they can see what I was thinking through the years. That is a very good point ginger lauren. So, I have decided to write for me and for the boys.  A few years ago, I asked my father to begin keeping a journal so that after his passing I could go through and see what goes through his head. This I suppose is my version of that.

So, Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope that I can make up some unreasonable resolution about blogging three days a week on a schedule but we will see.